Did you do it? Did you stay up until midnight and greet the New Year?

Were you able to see the first sunrise of 2023?

The beautiful start of a new year means 365 days of possibilities and opportunities.

It’s a clean slate, the beginning of new things.

Are you on board?

I wanted to be, but at 5:45 this morning, I struggled to pull my body out from under the warm covers and head up to the peak to experience the first sunrise of the new year. 

Tony and I hiked to the highest point with jackets, beanies, gloves, and hot coffee to sip on. I was happy to be there with him. 

Without hesitation, the burnt orange ball of heat appeared through the cloud-laden sky, and it was glorious. It was changing the atmosphere into a water-colored masterpiece. I was so glad that I refused to give in to my slumber. 

 I leaned over to ask Tony if he was just as excited as I was to be there. 

“I’m weary,” he spoke. My heart shifted. “Weary? What do you mean?” He was silent.

My almost always happy guy was feeling weary.

I searched my brain for the definition because what I heard was, I don’t want to be here.

But that’s not at all what he was saying. He was feeling tired and lacked joy in this early morning experience. But he did it because it made me happy. I was grateful. But I knew he needed this day to rest and be refreshed. So, I planned the rest of our day with that in mind.

Three hundred and sixty-five days of possibilities make it a year of exploring new things or getting better at something we already know.

I hope to embrace all of it.

I want to be sensitive to the people close to me and hear their hearts when they speak. And help in whatever way I can.

I want to know God more deeply. I was proud to have read through the entire Bible in 2022 for the first time. I have often tried to follow along with a yearly bible reading plan, and by March, I’d fall behind and give up. Last year I asked the Lord to help me stay the course, and He did. 

The things I knew about God’s word became more evident as I read. His devotion to us is never based on our abilities but solely on His love for us. I finally understood how the Bible interprets itself, needing no other book to explain the before, during, or after. It was life changing.

This year I want to be more inviting.

Welcoming those I don’t know so well into my life, and home like I used to when I was younger and less tired.

I want to be fearless. 

When moments present themselves, I don’t want to greet them with the usual doubtful narratives of the what-ifs but welcome them with a hearty yes!

I love the beginning of a New Year and want to encourage all of you to reach for the best possible year and not let the bumps in the road throw you off course.

Look for occasions to draw closer to God and boldly share your faith.

Spend time caring for the people you love in a new way.

Speak the truth of God’s word in love, and never give up.

Ask God to give you wisdom and walk in obedience to his word.

I’m praying blessings over you this year.

God bless you and Happy New Year,


January 1, 2023


On this very frigid day, I’ll take the opportunity to cozy up and say hello.

It seems crazy for it to be this cold. It was negative 6 degrees when I woke up this morning. The windchill factor is negative 21 degrees.

The title of the forecast reads, “Hazardous weather conditions.” It’s a stay-home kind of day, for sure. 

It’s hard to believe Christmas is three days away.

Are you ready?

Can I let you in on a little secret?

It’s not my favorite holiday. I hope you don’t think I’m a Scrooge. 

But I do love the Christmas truth.

Luke 2:8-20

If you’ve only heard about the Christmas story, let me encourage you to grab a Bible and read it.

The story begins by introducing the shepherds.

In first-century Palestine, being a herdsman was a low position. The Jewish leaders thought shepherds couldn’t stick to the strict sabbath rules because of their type of work and therefore thought less of them.

But God didn’t see it that way. Verse eight says,

“And in the same region, there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear. And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people.”

Let’s unpack this for a moment.

The religious leaders (Important people in society) had their thoughts and opinions about these sheepmen. But God saw them. They were vital to him. Essential enough to tell them first, the good! 

I love that.

Did you catch the last part of verse ten? The good news and great joy will be for ALL THE PEOPLE.

I love that in God’s eyes, he sees us all!

The angel continues to instruct the shepherds. A Savior is born- In the city of David- Who is Christ the Lord. 

It’s great that God included signs for the shepherd, so there would be no mistaken identity. He will be a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.

The scriptures continue, “And suddenly there was with the angles a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased! (Peace on earth, goodwill toward men)”

Verse 15. “When the angels went away from them into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us.”

I love their response. “Let’s go and see.” Remember, the religious leaders scrutinized shepherds due to the type of work, they didn’t have time to focus on the rules and laws. I imagine them out in the fields talking with the Lord and perhaps singing to God on the nights when creation seemed so mind-blowing with the stars and galaxies displayed for their viewing.

God was sending this great news to them! 

I wonder if He knew He could trust that they would share it. 

What about us? Are we willing to share the good news of great joy with our neighbors and co-workers? What about our family? You know, the ones you don’t like?

Well, I love this story because there is so much hope and goodness in this season.

I want to encourage you to warm up by a cozy fire or light some candles for ambiance and read God’s word.

I pray that we will be excited to share the good news of Jesus after reading the truth about Christmas.

Merry Christmas to you and yours,


December 22, 2022


She lay on the couch most nights, allowing the long day to drift from her. 

Sometimes she would quietly fall asleep while muttering a few words.

Her head tilted in my direction. From where I was sitting, I could see the soft curve of her cheek give way to the sunflower pillow. 

She looked just like she did when she was a little girl. 

I could feel my emotions rise. 

I count in my mind the days left before her wedding. 

Her dress is elegant and non-traditional. She prefers it that way. She has always been selective in the things she likes and how she dresses. We tease that she is picky. It’s what makes her fashionable and unique. 

She’ll wear boots under that vintage gown with a flower wreath like a crown. 

We bounced in and out of flower markets picking the right colors for her bouquet. The Ceremony site and the bride should be in white, but not my girl. 

She has always been brave in climbing mountain peaks.

Riding bikes on trails and letting life set sail to countries and continents big and small, meeting people, and learning to love God above all.

She will no longer live here in this house she called home. She’s on a new path, but she is not alone.

My sweet girl, you’ve taken another big step, a husband and marriage and someday babies to share.

Let me encourage you with this.

You’re  given a beautiful gift.

You are now the keeper of your home, the one who will love deeper when the storms of life blow.

Allow yourself to be the quiet place he lands when the cares of this world make him feel less than a man.

You’ll see his blind spots when he is rushing ahead. Lovingly tell him what you see.

A mother someday with no words to explain the Love you will give to all.

But the most critical part of these words, my girl, is to seek God continually as he helps you build your home. 

Let Him be your compass your guide. Let his word be your light. He is faithful.

No matter what life brings, you can surely count on Him.

Let prayer and God’s word  be your constant companion. No one else has the answers to life.

His word beautifully gives us a clue on how to make it through.

Faith, Hope, and Love are these three. But the greatest of these is Love.

Love beyond the call, love through it all.

And when all else fails. Love.

It is your greatest calling of all.

I’ll miss you every day. But I would never stand in the way of God’s goodness for you.

Love, hugs, and hope always in Him.


@October 2022

The Key To A Locked Heart

locked heart

I found a letter buried beneath a stack of old books I was going to donated. I decided to go through the box one more time before putting it in my car.

I picked up the last book, my fingers touched the smooth corners when it was interrupted by a piece of paper that was sticking out.

I opened the pages and slowly unfolded the note. I began to read the words written in my own handwriting.

Dear Locked heart,

I’m not sure how I got here, I don’t remember the exact day.

But I do feel the wall that sits between me and the things that matter.

I wake up everyday feeling a heaviness in my core.

It’s like a chasm in my soul that hinders my ability to feel love or give love. Continue reading “The Key To A Locked Heart”

So What’s The Condition Of Your Heart?

fear grips the heart

Is your heart fully open?

Are the burdens in your life causing you to shut the door of your heart, holding on to the doorknob in hopes no one will try to get in?

Can I tell you, I’ve been there.

So afraid of being hurt again, tired of the intruders, and sceptical of the “nice people.”

There was a time in my life where I locked myself in and shut everyone out including God.

He was the very one who had everything I needed to be set free.

Continue reading “So What’s The Condition Of Your Heart?”