She lay on the couch most nights, allowing the long day to drift from her. 

Sometimes she would quietly fall asleep while muttering a few words.

Her head tilted in my direction. From where I was sitting, I could see the soft curve of her cheek give way to the sunflower pillow. 

She looked just like she did when she was a little girl. 

I could feel my emotions rise. 

I count in my mind the days left before her wedding. 

Her dress is elegant and non-traditional. She prefers it that way. She has always been selective in the things she likes and how she dresses. We tease that she is picky. It’s what makes her fashionable and unique. 

She’ll wear boots under that vintage gown with a flower wreath like a crown. 

We bounced in and out of flower markets picking the right colors for her bouquet. The Ceremony site and the bride should be in white, but not my girl. 

She has always been brave in climbing mountain peaks.

Riding bikes on trails and letting life set sail to countries and continents big and small, meeting people, and learning to love God above all.

She will no longer live here in this house she called home. She’s on a new path, but she is not alone.

My sweet girl, you’ve taken another big step, a husband and marriage and someday babies to share.

Let me encourage you with this.

You’re  given a beautiful gift.

You are now the keeper of your home, the one who will love deeper when the storms of life blow.

Allow yourself to be the quiet place he lands when the cares of this world make him feel less than a man.

You’ll see his blind spots when he is rushing ahead. Lovingly tell him what you see.

A mother someday with no words to explain the Love you will give to all.

But the most critical part of these words, my girl, is to seek God continually as he helps you build your home. 

Let Him be your compass your guide. Let his word be your light. He is faithful.

No matter what life brings, you can surely count on Him.

Let prayer and God’s word  be your constant companion. No one else has the answers to life.

His word beautifully gives us a clue on how to make it through.

Faith, Hope, and Love are these three. But the greatest of these is Love.

Love beyond the call, love through it all.

And when all else fails. Love.

It is your greatest calling of all.

I’ll miss you every day. But I would never stand in the way of God’s goodness for you.

Love, hugs, and hope always in Him.


@October 2022

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